Mandatory Use Of Turkish Language And Recent Juducial Decisions Under Turkish Law
Pursuant to the Law No. 805 on Mandatory Use of Turkish Language by Economic Enterprises, it is separately regulated the obligations of the use of Turkish language by companies and institutions of Turkish nationality and foreign companies and institutions.
Turkey: What Is Stamp Tax?
In this article, the definition, scope, procedure, calculation method and related articles of the Stamp Tax Duty have been written.
Turkey: Share Transfer In Limited Liability Companies
In this article, the procedure to be followed for the validity of the transfer of the capital shares of limited liability companies, which is a type of company defined in the Turkish Commercial Code ("TCC", ""Code"), have been analysed.
Comparison Of Joint Stock (JSC) And Limited Liability Company(LLC) Structures Under The Turkish Commercial Code
In this article, we have written the differences between Joint Stock Company and Limited Liability Company according to Turkish Commercial Code.
 Applicable Law And The International Jurisdiction Of The Turkish Courts For The Contracts For Sale Of Movable Property With A Foreign Element
The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (“CISG”), to which Turkey is a party, may be applicable to transactions and relations relating to the sale of movable goods.
Mobbing (Psychological Harassment) Law
Mobbing is not only an organizational and managerial problem as it has a negative impact on people's job and life satisfaction and causes loss of motivation and labour force, but also a social problem as it damages the national economy and the health of the employee.
Turkey: Usufruct Right On Share Certificates Of A Joint Stock Company Under Turkish Law
In this article, the establishment of the usufruct right on joint stock company share certificates, the conditions of the usufruct right, the rights of the usufructuary are written.
Turkey: Property Regime Agreements
The subject of the property regime is the management of all of the property values of the spouses, such as the property of the spouses before marriage, the property acquired after marriage, the property inherited to the spouses within the marriage union, and how the property will be divided and liquidated when the marriage ends.
Turkey: Usufruct Right Under Turkish Law
The usufruct right is a right of easement that grants the broadest utilisation authorisation among the limited real rights. It is regulated in detail between Articles 794 and 822 of the Turkish Civil Code numbered 4721.