The Guideline On Commercial Advertisement And Unfair Commercial Practices Conducted By Social Media Influencers
In this article, a compilation has been made on the purpose and scope of the guideline prepared for social media influencers, the responsibilities and obligations of the influencer and the advertiser, and the sanctions of the legislator.
Amendment to the Regulation on Renewable Energy Resource Areas (YEKA)
On October 5, 2024, the Regulation Amending the Regulation on Renewable Energy Resource Areas  was published in the Official Gazette No. 32683.
Right Of The Owner To Rescind The Contract Pursuant To Article 473 Of The Turkish Code Of Obligations
In this article has been written on the right of the owner to rescind the contract pursuant in the work contract.
Letter Of Guarantee
In this article, a compilation was made on the legal characteristic, types and place in practice of bank letters of guarantee.
Eviction Rights Granted To The Lessor In Lease Agreements Under The Turkish Code Of Obligations
The Turkish Code of Obligations No. 6098 ("Code") contains provisions in favor of the lessee, and the lessor may evict the lessee from the leased premises only for the reasons enumerated in accordance with the principle of limited number and the conditions stipulated in the Code.
The Elements Of The Contract Of Work Within The Scope Of Turkish Code Of Obligations And İts Differences From Some Similar Contracts
In this article, the definition of the work contract, its elements and its differences from some contracts are written.
IBAN And Swift Fraud
The crime of fraud committed by changing the International Bank Account Number (IBAN) or SWIFT information by the person who intervenes by using IT systems as a tool has become one of the most common fraud acts used by internet hackers.
Legal Liability Of The Members Of The Board Of Directors Of Joint Stock Company
Pursuant to the Turkish Commercial Code numbered 6102, joint stock companies are represented and managed by the board of directors; therefore, the board of directors is a mandatory and permanent organ of joint stock companies.
WhatsApp Correspondence will be Considered Evidence
In a recent decision, the Supreme Court accepted WhatsApp correspondence as evidence alone.