Newsletter: Labor Law Article 69 Amendment

With the Amendment made to Article 69 of the Labour Law, within the scope of petroleum research, exploration, and drilling activities in accordance with the Petroleum Law, night work over 7.5 hours can be made with the written consent of the employee
On 28 December 2022, changes were made in the Labour Law numbered 4857 ("Code") and published in the Official Gazette numbered 32057. The relevant amendment was made in Article 69 of the Law on night-time and night work. In the mentioned article, night work is defined as the period between 20.00-06.00 and lasts for a maximum of 11 hours. 
In both the old and new articles, it is regulated that the maximum night work that can be performed by the employees cannot exceed seven and a half hours. Although this is the case, the Law has also specified exceptions to this article and some workers are allowed to work at night.
According to the old article of the Code, the employer was allowed to have night work over seven and a half hours in tourism, private security and health services provided that the written consent of the employee was obtained. In the amended article of the Law, it is regulated that in addition to tourism, private security, and health service employees and in the works carried out within the scope of petroleum research, exploration, and drilling activities in accordance with the Turkish Petroleum Law dated 30/5/2013 and numbered 6491, night work over 7.5 hours can be made provided that the written consent of the employee is obtained.
This amendment entered into force on 28 December 2022.